Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lilly has some dates

OMG I am soo exicted Lily has 2 dates coming up on with a guy from another with a guy she met on, it so exciting I get to live my sugarbaby life through her again. The first guy she has a date with is a hedge fund manager the second guy is a judge. So both a very much loaded the judge we have googled a great tool in my eyes and how the hell did we SD date before it became available, as if he isnt googable then he isnt worth it LOL.

So both guys have residences in London, but the Judge lives in the country and comes to London to work which would be more fun, both guys are attractive and very distingushed looking though it does have to say Hedge man is a little tubby but then Lily has always been more about the guy than the looks. Even when she was in school she dated different types from the Jock to the goth she dated them all. Now I have been reading up on some other blogs that are around and I have to say I am quite shocked at the amoun of girls who write that they dont fancie they guy but they will keep him as a option, this is dangerous territory for me and I personally feel when you dont fancie the guy it is more about the money than the guy, then that is when you should consider yourself a courtesan rather than a sb.

I am sorry if that comes across as judgemental but ladies please rememeber what the difference is between these 2 things, for me a sb has always got to be attracted to the man first and for me and my friends we have always said we would date our sd's even if they were broke. To me if you can't say that about a prospective SD then you should just walk away.

Now back to Lils dates, she is supposed to have her date with Hedge sometime next week but it all depends on whether or not he has the time, and Judge is supposed to be the week after. Lily prefers Hedge more thats why she has chosen him as her first date and if there are no sparks then she has Judge who she likes to fall back on.

Very exciting and we are going to go to the shops to buy an outfit for each date so will update you more on that at the time.

I'll probably get back to stuff thats goign on in my life and my shopping adventures have just been wanting to catch up but thanks so much for the lovely emails I received yesterday, and as I said any topics you want covered please just leave a comment and I will get round to it


Jess Bunny


Anonymous said...

Good for you Jess!

Just know the sugar family is rooting for you as always!

Anonymous said...

hi jess, thank you for all your advice thus far. I wanted to know two things--

1. how do you feel about sugar daddies on craigslist?

2. is it common for SD's to lie about their ages? sometimes i'll get a picture that looks way older than the number on the profile (even considering the stressful jobs these men have), and once I saw a guy on two different sites and his age was different on both sites. what do I do in these cases? stop trusting the guy?