Sunday, January 31, 2010

Date outfits

I always get emails asking what to wear on a first date with a new pot.

Here is my advice from what I have learnt, SD's arent too fashion forward so whilstn you should keep up with the trends men are simple creatures and whilst you may get the odd one or two who are really on trend, really out there wont work. So keep it simple but well presented.

I always wear a dress when I meet a pot but then thats my personality. I am a girly girl and most of the time I am always in dresses, I only own 1 pair of trousers, being a hourglass I work with what suits me.

Always make sure your shoes aren't dirty or scuffed, and that your bag isnt falling apart as these always bring a outfit together. If you have painted your nails make sure no chips, if you haven't make sure they are clean.

Dont plaster yourself in make-up, men hate this and dont try out new looks on a date, trust me i did it and I was so self-concious because it wasnt what i was used too. Same with hair dont try anything new just make sure its clean and your happy.

At the end of the day if your comfortable you will be confident and girls we all know confidence is what attracts a guy, if you seem uncomfortable a guy will either think its to do with them or that your uncomfortable with yourself.

So however you want to dress you dress, they have seen your pics they know what you look like, remember ladies they are lucky to be having a date with us.

We are young confident beautiful women and we do not ever need to sell ourselves short




Sugar said...

Great advice Jess !
I have been really unsure about what works but this helps alot. Feeling comfortable confident is key i suppose :)

Sugar said...

Great advice Jess !
I have been really unsure about what works but this helps alot. Feeling comfortable confident is key i suppose :)

SunshineSugar said...

ive also always found that keeping a sincere smile on and making eye contact during conversation on a first date always make the SDs want to see u again REGARDLESS of whatever outfit ur wearing... kinda cheesy but true :) x3

Unknown said...

I wish I could favorite some of your blogs haha. I've just sat here and read a bunch of them, after doing the same last night till 5 in the morning. You're adorable, 'nuff said!