So today I had quite a bit of mail, along with my clothes my Hermes bag finally arrived, so I am so proud, and the best thing of all.
Well X handed me a necklace jewellery box today so I opened it expecting to find a necklace, what I actually got was even better, in it was a BLACK AMEX CARD, if you don't know what this is the Google it is basically a card with no limit on it, I mean it does have one but the limit is a few million, I was expecting this for another few month as I explained, X was going to give it to me for our anniversary. Even his wife doesn't have one, he is the sole card holder, I only know this cause he showed me a statement and on it, it shows her is the only card holder. So I asked what this meant and he said I had proven myself to him that I will stick by him so he wanted to reward me!!! Ha Ha I am so excited, X has said I can spend whatever I want on it there is no limit to my allowance. I think he has done this so he is better than Russia. Men and their egos :) Also he wants me so start looking for a flat to buy, so I think we are getting even more serious, I already wear a diamond ring on my engagement finger but know he wants me to get a band to wear with it.
I know he will never divorce his wife just for the fact it will cost him so much but it means a lot to me that he wants me to wear a band and a engagement ring, its the most commitment a sugar babe can get.
Jess Bunny
Awww Jess I am so thrilled for you!!! Congratulations :) Reading this post put a huge smile on my face :)
x Babydoll
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you yet super jealous! You and X are practically a married couple now lol. What are you going to do first with the magic card?
x x x Nikita x
Wow I could never ever dream of finding such a good SD - hold on to him tight =P
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