OMG look at the most amazing pair of shoes I have just bought from EBAY, I just had to share them with you, they cost £482 but they are sooo amazing, and I have finally figured out how to upload pics to the site, so when I buy stuff online I can show it to you yay.
Jess Bunny
Those shoes are cute. Where do you suggest a sugarbabe on a monthly allowance of £2000 can shop, for shoes and clothes and bags and scarfs? I want great quality, nice designers but affordable with my budget.
Hey Jess I love your blog! I see you mention there are some other similar blogs, could you tell me where to find them as I really enjoy reading them, I'm doing my finals at the moment and it really cheers me up when you've made a new post! I have tried but am rubbish on these as I've never used a blog before xxx
Jess are you ever coming back? :( xx
Jess come back!
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