I am totally in love with shoes at the moment, I think because X is on holiday with his wife and kids I am at a loose end, I spoke to him last night and it was so good to hear his voice, X's wife has never really wanted to go on holiday with him in the last few years we have been together so I was a bit shocked when he announced they were going to the holiday home in Dubai and she had insisted that he go, it made me feel a bit insecure about our relationship but I do understand why he has gone and he is only going for a week whilst they have gone for 3 weeks so I have 2 weeks of him on his own which is good.
I have been checking out a few of the sugar daddy sites, which I like to do every now and then to see what's around especially as Lucy is still on the lookout for a new one, she says she has learnt from her mistakes but who knows. I do think as well because she sees everything we have she feels a bit left out and is trying to get too much, too soon she has set a very high standard which very few genuine guys will commit to straight away. I do think its getting harder for girls looking for a sugar daddy as most guys now seem to think they will be able to get away with promising you the world and getting you to fall into bed with them. I personally think you should treat this like any relationship and not sleep with a guy on the first date, but neither should you expect him to give you anything on a first date.
To me a first date is about sounding each other out, seeing if you would get on as a couple, obviously you finding out if he is who he says he is - remember my tips girls, check the shoes, watch and wallet. I think a lot more girls are looking for a sugar daddy too, it has become more acceptable for women to come outright and say it and for them to act like a guy about it.
So girls let me know if there is stuff you want me to talk about, I don't want it to get boring and your comments always help
Jess Bunny
Hi Jess, I do not know how to send you an email in private....
Cuz I have some very important questions about my potential SD.
Hope to hear from you soon, XX J.
Hey, I just recently stumbled across your blog and WOW! You're so insightful. I'm very new to this lifestyle, and honestly, you've given me so many helpful tips. I'm having such a hard time finding my prospective SD, and I just had a few questions.
In your opinion is it better to get allowance monthly, weekly, or per meeting? Personally when i get it per meeting, it makes me feel like a hooker, which I am not.
Alot of these men treat it like a service, and I was just wondering how I could identify the ones who will treat it as such, and those who won't?
I am looking to get a sugar daddy and I decided to try to look up a blog about the process when I stumbled upon yours! Its perfect, I must admit.
I'm trying to find find a SD on seeking arrangement and I think I'm just being flooded by emails which is driving me mad and not sure is getting me anywhere. Anyways I wanted to say thank you for writing your blog. So much help and you can be sure I'll be taking your advice.
I'd like to say you've been keeping up a great blog, and as I author the Seeking Arrangement blog, I think we should get in contact. Would you care to send me an email at Stephan@InfoStreamGroup.com? Hope to hear from you soon, Stephan.
Hi Jess, I really hope to hear from you soon cuz ive got just a few days left before my first SD date...
Btw youre blog is awesome, keep up the good work!
J, I'd be glad to communicate with you about your first date if you still need urgent help. I'm a very happy sugar babe, and I'm sure I can give you good advice.
Write to me if you wish :) lovely.pixiedust@yahoo.com
the last comment is mine can't u please remove it or at least remove my email address. thanks
no as I have been blocked out of my account sorry.
Am in contact with them to do something about it, thats why I havent blogged in a while I cant access my blog
Jess Bunny
Hi Jess,
I'm seeking a SD and really appreciate your blog. I've recently been chating with a potential and as we began talking about what stimulates us, he wrote: Another topic that gets me hard pretty quick is women hitting or kicking guys in the balls especially on purpose and in self defense or better, simply because they are angry. Its not so much that I am into getting hit there, I'm more into a girl doing it to someone else...I just find it kind of taboo and very violating. What more demonstrates the power play between men and women than a woman hitting a man in the very symbol of his power? I've found that women hitting their boyfriends or husbands in the nuts as common practice is more common than you might think. Is this something you have done to a guy?
Have you ever heard of anything like this?
Is there anyway you can email me directly?...I have a few other questions I would like to ask you.
Please delete comment once read.
tammy as I have already stated no i cant delet your comments as I am locked out of my account at the moment
Jess Bunny
I hope you can access your account soon. Keep writing ok, coz I like what you write here... :) I hope more encouragement would (hopefully) get you to write more :) I wish you all the best - and forget about other people who want to make you feel bad about stuff, they are just jealous!
lots of luvsss...
I recently met a guy online and after only a few meetings he has offered to rent an apartment for me so that I will be closer to him. I really want to move to this city but I am nervous about moving too fast. What do you think is the appropriate pace for a new SD/SB relationship?
hello darling
i love you and i love your blog :)
yesterday i had my first SD date, i felt i impressed him a lot , but i think i was too shy to talk arrangements and expectations, he kept complaining about how some women asked for money on first date , or just moaned about their bills too much .... !!! was that a hint that he s just a cheap man ? i really can t be losing my time , or letting a man enjoy my company and not help in anyway !! i would just feel so bad being taken advantage of still.... i m 30 right now and i just decided to stop dating losers , and look for a rich man , i work a lot but stil cant afford many things for myself , also i m sick of losers ...
plz talk to us more about how to start the money and gifts subject ? should the sex come first after few dates ?? what if he takes it and leave ... i ll feel used ... how can i ask for help without sounding like a begger ...
thank u dear
Hi Jenny, I stumbled upon your page when I was trying to figure out the various definitions of a sugar daddy. A guy proposed this to me but it really didn't seem like that is what he wanted. After talking it seemed like he wanted more friends with benefits type thing but he was willing to pay me if i wanted it. To me it was like wasn't that the agreement. It put me in a really weird place and I was kind of turned off by him saying sugar daddy then changing up the story. I just don't like people who don't say what they mean.
I want to tell you the whole story and ask your assessment.
Can you email me at lovingthrill@live.com.
I hope you can help me.
Hi Jess,
I just started a blog about my search and finding a Sugar Daddy. I was wondering if you minded if I linked you to it since I really was inspired by your blog? Let me know either way please. Take care
Jess Were are you????
Potential SB
I have questions....please help!
Hey jess
I told my sugardaddies upfront that I'm not gonna have sex? Was that too upfront or forward. They said ok... but don't expect money. Was I wrong? Also, how much is too much in the beginning to askin for money & what is too little?
why are u looking for a sd and not wanting to have sex? They are not going to pay u! They are paying u for a reason dummy!!
Hi Jess,
I came across your blog today and I have't stopped reading yet. For the last 2 years ive been posting on craigslist..done all the internet websites and am no better than when I started. Needless to say I haven't found my SD and all I have encountered are fakes and posers. I live in Toronto, Canada..and would really like to communicate with you. I promise I won't innundate you with too many emails. If you'd like to know I'll tell you all about my experience-myself in the first email. I dont want to post everything here.
Hi Jess Bunny,
I just wanted to thank you for setting up this blog. I've considered several times looking for a SD and despite the fake ones out there, I'm glad you have a positive story.
Take care, keep up the good work and keep having fun.
Syan xxx
Jess, I hope you get back into your account soon...am missing your usual fun post's...
And would love to ask your advice on a couple of things, especially as I now have lots of guys asking on the sugar daddie site!
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