Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A late Xmas

Oh such a lovely few days me and X finally had our Christmas, though we had to have chicken rather than turkey hehehe!

After much dileberating I decided to buy X a piece of the rainforest and bought him 10 acres at £50 each, now with the guy who has everything you have to be more creative and I always go on at him about recycling and not using so much paper so this was good as he knew I had put some thought into it as well. And its like our own insider joke. I also had a chef come in to prepare the food for us, as I am not the greatest cook so didn't want one of my presents to be food poisoning hehehe.

My presents well I had a new apple macbook as I love technology at the moment, a load of Marilyn monroe dvds and a classic Andy warhol style picture of myself. My best present though was a eternity ring with "forever and always" engraved in it.

Now one of the most common emails I have had since I set up my email address is that it hasn't happened yep and it's been a month, trust me ladies it will take time to meet your sugardaddy and you probably will have to go through the bad ones to get to a good one, but as I have always said don't have sex on the first date, to me this is what the fakes want. Just go for lunch and dinner for a chat so you know if there is any point of continuing, he may be for real but most men will be put off if you jump into bed straight away. The real sugar daddys aren't looking for one night stands but for something that they are receiving at the moment companionship, yes sex is a big part but it's not everything.


1 comment:

Sugar Kitten said...

A piece of the rain forest - what a great idea for a Christmas gift!

Please keep updating - we all want to hear about your beautiful sugar lifestyle and your success as a SB!