Being back in the search for a SD I forgot how hard it was.
I now have a profile back on and its just so hard standing out in the crowd, I have never seen so many good looking women on one site lol. But I have my fingers crossed that magic can strike twice I am looking for an allowance of between £3-5k but if they are happy for my to continue living in Swansea then I can lower that to £2 - 3k as the flat I want here is only £500 pcm but I always aim high at first go and then see what happens.
I think we have been spoilt by the number of eastern european girls who are willing to be a cheap as anything, through my blog and on FB I have met some great people which I am very pleased about and one who is great at gving advice as I am finding I am a bit rusty at the moment lol. She said the best thing last night those who are flashy will be willing to give less than those who are discreet and that is soo true look at X he was discreetly very wealthy.
I think my confidence has been knocked quite a lot by X so am worrying about how I look, whether I am too big all the normal things that us girls go through.
But at least I know I have you guys here with me as well
Jess Bunny
Hi Jess,
I know you advertise Poshbagz, but I wanted to know if you have any recommendations for Tiffany's jewelry? Thanks for sharing the bag site with us, and good luck on the search!
hey hun,
I have never used it but have come across this site when googling tiffanys before, but like i say never used so dont know if you do recieve the jewellery or not but hey its worth a try and if you do be sure to let us know hun
forgot to post the site hahaha
You are GORGEOUS and don't ever doubt that! (Bumblebee)
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