Saturday, July 11, 2009

Ok I think some bloggers are confused

When I read other peoples blog most of them I love and have built such a great sugar family on here and had some great chats on the phone with some of my sugar family. But others I read and I am sure they are confused about the difference between a sugarbaby and a hooker, I think that when they offer themselves out at £££ per visit they are scaring the SD's out there who may be for real but they dont give them a chance.

The way I look at it emails are slow and steady, most of these guys have busy lives and cant organise a date straight away, if they can are they really in such a high powered job.

Now I have nothing against high class escorts I know a girl who is one and she has a amazing life and I am sure we have all watched Belle De Jour and hey who wouldnt want that. But dont get confused between the two as it wont benefit you at all, and it may well put guys off.

To me the rules are if you cant google them they are not as high powered as they want you to believe, get them to put you in a hotel of your choosing even if you live in the city if they ask why tell them the truth, you need to see if they are serious and can meet your expectations, the resturant where yu meet - do they know where the bathrooms are? does the maitre D know them, if not why?

And of course the shoes, the wallet and watch my 3 things that will always give away a guy who is playing, do some research on the best brands and know what to look out for.

I do not mean to knock other girls blogs and mean no offence this is just my tips on why you may not have found your SD yet. Switch your mindframe from short term cash problems to long term cash benefit!!!


Jess Bunny



Anonymous said...

Hi Jess! I've been reading your blog since last Christmas and I really like it. I met this cool guy on seekingmillionaire, he's not looking for a sugarbabe but a real relationship, perfect for me since I'm looking for a real relationship with no money problems. He cannot be found by google, but that's the way he wants it. He hates being in a spotlight and even his closest friends dont know the truth about his money and property. He uses a normal car when he's doing normal stuff but abroad he has really expensive sport cars, villas and stuff. And it's all true, we've spent time together and he has no problems when it comes to paying for stuff or whatever. Next week we're gonna travel in Europe, this guy is just full of surprises, i dont even know whats waiting for me! So I just wanted to say that there is exceptions but sure when its about being a "sugardaddy" you would expect the guy to look like one, and if there's problems when it comes to paying for dinners and stuff, i dont understand why it would be such a big deal if the guy is LOADED.

Anonymous said...

Great advice. Slow and steady always works and in the end it forms a more solid basis for a relationship of any sort.
Nice tip on the wallet. I always check the shoes and watch the general manners.....the way he orders, eats and handles service staff too.

Sandie said...

Hi Jess! I just started my own blog about searching a SD. Hope you will join my followers as I am a big fan of your blog.



Anonymous said...

(sigh) Ive been talking to two guys for 1 -2 months. they've both not gone anywhere, mostly emails, and we havent ever spoken. They are both in google, but we arent moving forward, and Im getting tired.