Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Well what a weekend

Well ladies what a weekend in 2 weeks I was supposed to be a new Pot, thanks to the weekends event I have had to cancel with a really lovely guy.

Basically on my way home I was jumped by a few girls and now have a split lip and chin, a messed up hand, broken ribs and concussion -Great!!! First thing I knew about it was coming round in hospital Sunday afternoon!

Made me quite scared of going out now which is going to make meeting Pots a bit difficult though I do always take precautions giving a friend his details, which site he from, my log in details and his screen name, but this has quite shaken me so am undecided as to what to do!

Well just giving you a update whilst I read up on everyone Else's adventures


Jess Bunny



Sarah Sugarbaby said...

Oh my gosh!! a bunch of girls jumped you?! wtf! so glad you're ok now...that's so scary!

Sugar Kitten said...

That's so scary Jess! I am glad you're relatively ok. Was this just a random attack? I hope everything heals up ok - just take it slow and take care of yourself in the meantime. We're all here for you.

takeliaSB said...

WOW.. that's crazy! Sorry that happened to you. What the hell would make someone do something like that? Did they know you and had a grudge??

Tiara said...

OMG, that sucks! Are you ok? I'd be scared to even walk out my door if that happened.

Bombchell said...

that's sad. I hope you saw their faces & the cops got involved. sorry babe.

Candy Girl said...

That's so screwed up. WTF? Why would girls attack you? Were you expensively dressed? Hope you are feeling OK. My friend was attacked like that a few years ago and she was quite traumatised by it for some time.