Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is it just me???

Or has anyone else noticed that the longer your search continues the more Jaded you become, even if it is a guy who is extremly googable, know his photo is recent and seems really nice, these days instead of finding myself excited I am thinking right whats gonna go wrong with this one.

I thnk my problem is I had it too easy with X I met him in a different way, even though I was on SD dating sites I still met him in a natural way. And of course I was spoilt in what I had off him, and don't get me wrong I am in no way expecting something of a similar standard, my allowance expectation is £2.5 - 3k.

I think the other thing is a lot of men on the dating sites are looking for a easy shag or send you a message or its in his profile that he is not looking to be a sugardaddy, I am sorry then I do not understand why you are on the website. It would be like me joining a "I love darts" website when I dont. A bit of a random comparison but you girls know what I mean LOL.

I wish I was one of the girls who could ask for a present before a meeting or get a guy to send me presents before we meet, but I just don't seem to meet those kind of guys, maybe it's a american thing LOL.

I do have two interesting dates lined up next week hopefully just gotta try and work out my work schedule and of course am going back to my flat tomorrow, couldn't be bothered to go home today so have stayed an extra day, but it does mean I wont have regular internet access which kind of hampers a girls SD seeking!

So how is everyone else feeling about there sugar lives, I see from other blogs I am not the only one who is feeling a bit disheartened by it all




Anonymous said...

I am the same boat!

I'm just about ready to give up...but I know there's got to be a good SD out there somewhere!

Keep your head up!


Sugar said...

Ha ! You've read my mind. My only two SDs have temporarily disapeared. One actually stood me up before he did..I chose to take a break instead of quitting though. It must be some kind of financial pattern with them lately- things should pick up again :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! I can totally relate. I have been seeking sugar since October and I AM jaded. At this point I am probably responding to %10 of the messages I receive. Unlike when I started.

As far as asking for a gift you just have to do it. Most SDs (wannabe) do not hesitate to hint at sex so we should do the same. After all we are seeking sugar.

Good luck on your upcoming dates :)


Tmoco said...

Like the others have said before me, you are not alone in this. SMH. I've yet to meet any guys I've met, but I think I will ask for a present first, so I can stop being so nice and finally get something out of this thing to keep me motivated! lol

Deleted said...

You spoke to soon - look what you got sent :) You just have to tell me the name of the Loubs, I need them :D hehe.
PS I heart darts comment hillarious,. x

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate. I'm just too polite to ask for a present up front, and sometimes I simply don't want to scare them off by asking or even hinting. Besides, it's a guy's job to be wooing us. Of course, they don't have a problem bringing up sex. I think what it comes down to is finding a real sugar daddy vs. a guy who just wants to get laid. I watched "shop girl" twice last night...

CharlotteSugar said...

Cheers gals. I agree with everything that's been said. Just got back from vacay with a cute SD. He gave me a nice gift and paid for everything (and there wasn't even any sex since it was that time of month...) but he wouldn't pay for my ride back from the airport! What's with these guys??!?!

I also find that they just don't understand that a pair of louboutin's can cost a thousand dollars!

Anonymous said...

Wow!I actually started on this one site that I will not mention. I met a fraud who who could not even afford to buy me dinner. I deleted my profile and joined another site, my first week I met a very nice guy who owns a huge finance company. We talked on the phone for about a week before when one day I get this text from him and he's telling me to go to Western Union to pick up some money he has sent me. Ive never asked him for anything! he lives in DC, and I live in AZ, so we have yet to see one another.He tells me everyday that I will never have to worry about money ever again.I'm saying this not brag but to let you SB's know that you cant give up. There are still good SD's around, I just happen to be on the right site, at the right time.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I guess it's about that time to send the usual worried comment, wondering where you are. Where'd you disappear to, Jess? Are you okay? Don't forget you practially pioneered the sugar blog revolution!

Anonymous said...

Hi anonymous from Az,

I'm from Az too and need some help with finding and Sd. It's hard to find the real deal with all these frauds. Did the western union actually work? Just wondering because I'm afraid someone might scam me and then who knows what might happen. Also, think you can share with me what site you're using? I would appreciate it a lot! Hope we can help each other out :)