OK so I was a little bored last night, as I couldn't go out with my girls cause of my headache, it's a killer!!! So instead I went on seeking arrangement and looked at some of the guys on there, obviously I don't know whether the guys are being truthful in their profiles but if they are then seem to be the best around.
I will give you their names where they are from and either their net worth or what assistance amount they are offering. I have some British and some American guys
gosoftly - Houston - $20k+
dfwERdoctor - Dallas - worth
luca the third - London/LA - £10k +
WhostheDaddy - London - worth £5 - £25 million
Richard - London - £5 - £10k
david - London - worth more than £50 million
pierre - London - worth £5 - £25 million
Tiberus - Belgium - worth more than 67 million Euro dollars
SurfMaster - California - $10 - $20k
Pocket Aces - LA - more than $20k
So spell them exactly how I have spelt them when you type in their names, there are probably more good guys out there but I got bored after a while, :) I have converted
all the money except the US $ but if you want to know what they are just halve them. I hope some of you manage to strike up conversations with these guys if you do let me know what they are like so I know if my research was good or not LOL.
I didn't really do much yesterday I had a real lazy day not really getting dressed other than into my Juicy Couture cashmere sweat suit, I love that it's so lovely when you put it on and I drove to Macky D's and ordered the biggest amount of food I could one thing I miss from there is the Cheesy Bites they had over Xmas, oh my god I could eat three bags of them in one go, aprt from the Macky D's I have been doing well on my healthy eating plan, and doing the Jordan workout, I have lost three inches from my waist and inch from each thigh and I feel much more comfortable I have only lost 5 pounds but I much prefer to look Toned rather than a size 0
Well I hope you are enjoying the blog, I love all your comments I show them to X so keep them coming girls
Jess Bunny
hey jess i was wondering if u could advise me on which bikini line shape older men prefer. i heard they dont like the same things as young guys
Every guy is different but if rejects you because of your bikini line then he really isn't worth that much at all hun, me particularly I'm an all off kind of girl but that's because I find it cleaner and X has nothing to do with how my bikini line is shaped, I don't tell him how to shape his so why should he tell me.
I honestly think as long as you don't have a forest growing down there and you don't let it overgrown any man would be happy.
And to be honest if a guy really likes something he will tell you.
Hope this helps hun,
Jess Bunny
Hey Jess,
So I received a phone call from a gentleman from seekingarrangements yesterday who turns out to be a great guy. His last SB received 10,000 USD but his profile states that he's willing to give +20,000. We definately clicked and he told me I could call him anytime. When should I call him back? I don't want to look needy.
Hi Jenni,
Is this guy from the uk or us?
I would call him tomorrow let him have a day to digest what you talked about and also if he wants to call you sooner then of course he can call you if he wants to speak to you sooner, if you have his mobile number then send him a little text, just to say hi and that you enjoyed chatting with him. He will either text back or ring you.
Hope this helps
Jess Bunny
I want love, I don't care about the money. My mind and body are worth more than they can ever pay.
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