I know I left again but I had to make sure I was making the right choice for me and not for any other reason.
So yes me and X are back together and I am a SB again with an allowance and such but there is a big difference I am working and am still going to school to do my law degree. I am determined that this time I wont make my whole life about being a SB. I am jess first and a SB second.
Now down to the things you ladies wanna know lol. My allowance well that is at £7500pcm and he covers my rents, and also I am going to do out my flat. I am going car shopping sometime next week, though can't get anything too flash due to work, they might think they are paying too much hahaha! So am thinking maybe a bmw or a mini.
Now there is one picture I am dying to put up but my computer wont upload it for some reason I have a red birkin again yay!!! :) I may see if filming a video works better.
Well will let you know more tomorrow, just wanted to say hi!
Jess Bunny
A bog about how I live with my sugar daddy, the ups, the downs and some tips on how to get your own and keep him
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Finally have the internet back again!!!
So sorry about the delay in writing but my internet was playing up and when I went over to the library to update for some reason they had blocked blogger.com. But X has given me a PAYG internet dongle with £500 loaded so that should keep me going for a bit.
Ok so X well I have been on a date with him since I last wrote and a lot of our issues were resolved especially over what he did for us to break up. I told him how I felt and to be fair the man held his hands up, and said I fucked up, and was trying to act like the big man! Are we back together no, do I get an allowance from him no, but I have told him I will think about it, with some rules in place.
I wont move back to London - I got too wrapped up in his world, and with my grandfather dying in July its made me realise I dont want to, nor can i be away from my family at the moment!
It wont be a case of me dropping everything for him - I have built up a new life for myself again and wont be running to him on his demand.
As before there are to be no others - of course there is still the wife, but if I was to hear about another SB we would be done.
And finally the money I gave back to him, when our relationship ended I want back this may seem weird but I gave that back in anger and this time I wouldnt be doing something as dumb as that!
And he has agreed to those points and put some off his own in, but his I will keep to myself, as they are more personal to him and people who knew him or his circle would know who I was talking about.
But still something holds me back back I have told him I will give him a decision by the end of the month. But in the mean time he has sent me another present a lovely pair of Louboutins will add a picture for you they are just a standard pair but they will help me when I am going on my job interviews, yes that will also be something thats different I will be working I will not depend on a man again and to be honest I think I would be bored going back completly to my old life but we will se what happens.
Ok so X well I have been on a date with him since I last wrote and a lot of our issues were resolved especially over what he did for us to break up. I told him how I felt and to be fair the man held his hands up, and said I fucked up, and was trying to act like the big man! Are we back together no, do I get an allowance from him no, but I have told him I will think about it, with some rules in place.
I wont move back to London - I got too wrapped up in his world, and with my grandfather dying in July its made me realise I dont want to, nor can i be away from my family at the moment!
It wont be a case of me dropping everything for him - I have built up a new life for myself again and wont be running to him on his demand.
As before there are to be no others - of course there is still the wife, but if I was to hear about another SB we would be done.
And finally the money I gave back to him, when our relationship ended I want back this may seem weird but I gave that back in anger and this time I wouldnt be doing something as dumb as that!
And he has agreed to those points and put some off his own in, but his I will keep to myself, as they are more personal to him and people who knew him or his circle would know who I was talking about.
But still something holds me back back I have told him I will give him a decision by the end of the month. But in the mean time he has sent me another present a lovely pair of Louboutins will add a picture for you they are just a standard pair but they will help me when I am going on my job interviews, yes that will also be something thats different I will be working I will not depend on a man again and to be honest I think I would be bored going back completly to my old life but we will se what happens.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Okay so he is trying to Woo
I was annoyed this morning woke up at 8am because some idiot was pounding on the door, so I ran down stairs and shouted fuck off. Only for some poor man to say "I am sorry, I just wanted to deliver this parcel" How frikin bad did I feel. Its just I ended up having friends over late last night they had been out and cause I was poor I couldn't go so at 12am they all poured into my flat, and lets just say a lot of fun was had, the last person didn't leave till 5am!
Well anyway I signed for this parcel thinking it was stuff I had ordered from Amazon for my Law degree. But no on top is single white rose, and underneath was two bags from X. God that man knows my weakness! And a not saying until I agree to go back to him, he will send me a gift so I am thinking right I am not going back to him for a year hahaha! I'm joking!
Well anyway I signed for this parcel thinking it was stuff I had ordered from Amazon for my Law degree. But no on top is single white rose, and underneath was two bags from X. God that man knows my weakness! And a not saying until I agree to go back to him, he will send me a gift so I am thinking right I am not going back to him for a year hahaha! I'm joking!
God this man knows how to work me this morning he sent me a bunch of white roses with a note saying for you nanni! The man remembered my nan's birthday, even I didnt till my mam rung and reminded me yesterday. So not only is he working the materialistic angle but he knows how important my family are too me. I cant believe how hard he is trying I am just shocked, maybe its cause I am feeling weak still cause of my bampi's death. The first grandparent to have passed and the fact he fought so hard for 7 tyears against cancer for it to take him so quickly, when the doctor was pleased with how he was doing has just broken me.
But to know I am missed by him as much as he misses me, and the thing that made me laugh a picture of the black AMEX card with my name on it and a note saying how the AMEX has missed me. I love little jokes like that!
But do I want to go back, I know I will never find another SD like him and certainly not one who will give me an allowance like he did, but can I really go backwards when I have only just started going forwards!
Oh by the way I have posted a video on my facebook profile so you can see me and see that I am real and do look like my pictures lol!
Black AMEX,
life after SD,
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Oh and here are my pictures of my presents of X
Ok so here is a link to a picture of my presents. Aah I love these scarfs and X knew that and still remembered!
Oh and have just realised its grey not white, but god they are so cute! I have spoken to X and thanked him and we ended up speaking for 2 hours but just still stuck over what to do! Aaaah my heart is telling me yes but my head is a muddle!
Jealousy is a terrible thing
I understand the temptation of going this route, but it isn't right, now is it? Make no mistake about it, you shouldn't and probably deep down you don't, respect yourself. You can make your life whatever you want it to be. If you are in love with someone and you struggle financially, you find a way to make it work. You don't become some rich guys whore, and trade your dignity for material things. Sorry."
This is the comment I woke upto this morning, it was on one of the early blogs where I was still with X and leading the high life, all I can say is jealousy is a terrible thing sweetheart! People make me laugh when they judge the SB life if you dont like it dont read about it why come on someones' blog just to judge them, you must have been looking for stuff about sugarbabies. That makes you very dumb!
Now I keep getting emails asking how to get gifts on a first date or shall I sleep with him on first date to get an arrangement started. My answer NO! This isn't the deli counter its not try before you buy, this is the start of a realtionship and me I dont believe you shoudl give it up on the first date, if he isnt happy with that, then lets be honest he will probably keep you around for a little bit and then you wont hear from him again it wont be a long term thing! And that's coming from my experiences and others who have contacted me wondering why the guy has stoppeed contacting them or taking their calls.
Any guy can flash the cash for a couple of weeks for a day at a time, this is the long game not short term!
For me a pay per visit is not a sugarbaby that is an escort and I do not mean to offend someone if thats what they choose, but a sugarbaby is more than meeting for dinner and sex and getting a evenlope of cash and then your on your way its about finding a guy you conect with, that can help you financially, or with gifts, or with living a lifestyle you want to!
After all there are a number of SB types but for me the main three are:
Allowance SB - a SB who wants an allowance month in month out, the most standard of SB's really its the holy grail of SB's as there arent many SD's out there who are looking to do this!
Gift SB - the SB who just wants some expensive gifts, to be taken shopping, taken on spa days, the odd week away. To be honest this is the most common SD as most men can't afford to be the Allowance SD without their partner becoming suspicious if they have one, or have the time to justify the allowance most SB's want!
Lifestyle SB - this is the SB who just wants to live in the lifestyle maybe being taken to polo, going out to the best resturants, stay in the best hotel, go to the nicest holiday destinations, this SB doesn't wants gifts or an allowance she just wants to live in the lifestyle for a couple of hours a week or month, this is also more fitting of the Sb who also just wants a mentor!
So for me girls my best advice stop giving it up so quick! And stop with the mulitple SD's no SD wants to feel like he is just one of many after all most SD's have big ego's just some of them have the wallets to match!
Now whats going on in my life I was in london over the weekend seeing Izzie, and who did I run into but X!!! I didnt sleep with him but I did give him my card with my address and telephone number! We spoke for hours and well the spark has never gone, so I get home and my neighbour stops me and says she has a package for me that got delievered on sunday.
I open it up and inside are 3 Alexander McQueen scarfs one pink, one white and one black!God this man knows my taste so well.
There was also a not inside now I am not going to tell you everything but basically he tells me he is sorry, that he still loves me and wants me back in his life! And I am seriously thinking about it. I never stopped loving X and to be honest no-one has compared to him in the SD dating world or the regular dating world!
If I do go into it again though some stuff will be changing for a start I wont be moving to London I love my life back home and being so close to my family especially after my bampi passed away so recently I still can't believe its coming upto 2 months that he left us! And secondly if I do give him a second chance this is it! Any mistakes and he wont see me again. I have been pretty good at not contacting him and not weakening, but after my bampi passed I realised life is too short and everyone is allowed one mistake in a relationship and can I really let that one mistake wipe out all the years of happiness!
OOh have been reading loads this past 6 months from a woman called Lousie bagshawe her books are amazing and are all about women coming from nothing to an amazing life. Hopefully you will love them as much as me!
Venus Envy
Venus Envy
This is the comment I woke upto this morning, it was on one of the early blogs where I was still with X and leading the high life, all I can say is jealousy is a terrible thing sweetheart! People make me laugh when they judge the SB life if you dont like it dont read about it why come on someones' blog just to judge them, you must have been looking for stuff about sugarbabies. That makes you very dumb!
Now I keep getting emails asking how to get gifts on a first date or shall I sleep with him on first date to get an arrangement started. My answer NO! This isn't the deli counter its not try before you buy, this is the start of a realtionship and me I dont believe you shoudl give it up on the first date, if he isnt happy with that, then lets be honest he will probably keep you around for a little bit and then you wont hear from him again it wont be a long term thing! And that's coming from my experiences and others who have contacted me wondering why the guy has stoppeed contacting them or taking their calls.
Any guy can flash the cash for a couple of weeks for a day at a time, this is the long game not short term!
For me a pay per visit is not a sugarbaby that is an escort and I do not mean to offend someone if thats what they choose, but a sugarbaby is more than meeting for dinner and sex and getting a evenlope of cash and then your on your way its about finding a guy you conect with, that can help you financially, or with gifts, or with living a lifestyle you want to!
After all there are a number of SB types but for me the main three are:
Allowance SB - a SB who wants an allowance month in month out, the most standard of SB's really its the holy grail of SB's as there arent many SD's out there who are looking to do this!
Gift SB - the SB who just wants some expensive gifts, to be taken shopping, taken on spa days, the odd week away. To be honest this is the most common SD as most men can't afford to be the Allowance SD without their partner becoming suspicious if they have one, or have the time to justify the allowance most SB's want!
Lifestyle SB - this is the SB who just wants to live in the lifestyle maybe being taken to polo, going out to the best resturants, stay in the best hotel, go to the nicest holiday destinations, this SB doesn't wants gifts or an allowance she just wants to live in the lifestyle for a couple of hours a week or month, this is also more fitting of the Sb who also just wants a mentor!
So for me girls my best advice stop giving it up so quick! And stop with the mulitple SD's no SD wants to feel like he is just one of many after all most SD's have big ego's just some of them have the wallets to match!
Now whats going on in my life I was in london over the weekend seeing Izzie, and who did I run into but X!!! I didnt sleep with him but I did give him my card with my address and telephone number! We spoke for hours and well the spark has never gone, so I get home and my neighbour stops me and says she has a package for me that got delievered on sunday.
I open it up and inside are 3 Alexander McQueen scarfs one pink, one white and one black!God this man knows my taste so well.
There was also a not inside now I am not going to tell you everything but basically he tells me he is sorry, that he still loves me and wants me back in his life! And I am seriously thinking about it. I never stopped loving X and to be honest no-one has compared to him in the SD dating world or the regular dating world!
If I do go into it again though some stuff will be changing for a start I wont be moving to London I love my life back home and being so close to my family especially after my bampi passed away so recently I still can't believe its coming upto 2 months that he left us! And secondly if I do give him a second chance this is it! Any mistakes and he wont see me again. I have been pretty good at not contacting him and not weakening, but after my bampi passed I realised life is too short and everyone is allowed one mistake in a relationship and can I really let that one mistake wipe out all the years of happiness!
OOh have been reading loads this past 6 months from a woman called Lousie bagshawe her books are amazing and are all about women coming from nothing to an amazing life. Hopefully you will love them as much as me!
Venus Envy
Sunday, August 29, 2010
All set for the search
Ok so I have just re-done my profile on SA.com as finding that I have no luck on there at the moment, none of my emails get replies and dont tend to get emails on there. I find my best luck in on SD.com and woke up to 6 emails this morning but can't say I liked one of them. Maybe I am just getting too fussy LOL!
I have been chatting with a few guys on SD.com but I am bored of coming across profiles that state I am not looking for an arrangement or to give an allowance, then I am sorry sweetie but what are you doing on a sugar daddy dating website!! OOh it makes me so anygry and I am hoping that if I do finally find a sugar daddy that they will fund my website so us girls dont waste our time with fakes, and the guys don't waste their time with girls who never want to meet.
I think I will do a 3 strikes and your out option if you say you'll meet and dont after 3 times your off the website that will make it so much easier for both sides then. I know I have been guilty of it myself where you say you would like to meet up with someone but then get chatting to a better prospect and forget about the other one. But I amtalking about the girls who continusally do it.
Well my little rant over, now if anyone fancies helping me out on my profile let me know hehehe!
I have been chatting with a few guys on SD.com but I am bored of coming across profiles that state I am not looking for an arrangement or to give an allowance, then I am sorry sweetie but what are you doing on a sugar daddy dating website!! OOh it makes me so anygry and I am hoping that if I do finally find a sugar daddy that they will fund my website so us girls dont waste our time with fakes, and the guys don't waste their time with girls who never want to meet.
I think I will do a 3 strikes and your out option if you say you'll meet and dont after 3 times your off the website that will make it so much easier for both sides then. I know I have been guilty of it myself where you say you would like to meet up with someone but then get chatting to a better prospect and forget about the other one. But I amtalking about the girls who continusally do it.
Well my little rant over, now if anyone fancies helping me out on my profile let me know hehehe!
Friday, August 27, 2010
So I am trying to come back
Well I thought I had met a really great guy in Mr Builder our date went so well and we were planning the next one, then my Bampi died and I just fell to pieces, although he had battled cancer for 7 years we didnt expect him to go so soon. It just seems everytime I get there something happens, is this a sign that I should just forget it.
So with Mr Builder I just put of emailing him or texting him and now its been a month since the last contact so its too late. I am talking to a few guys on SD.com but no-one really seems worth it. I am looking for an allowance of £2k per month as with my grant from my studies as am now doing my law degree part-time that will be plenty to live off, obvisouly as ime went on I can look to add other things such as a car hired in his name and such but for now £2k seems good. And to be honest in this market and economical time its not that expensive, after all the men I go for are supposed to be multi-millionaires!
How is everyone else finding the sites, any tips for the best ones at the moment. Wish I could get up to London more and hit the clubs as that would be the best way to really look for a sugar daddy.
Have been reading a lot and have added links to the books I have been reading I adore Lousie Bagshawe she writes about the kind of life all us girls want to live so check them out if you can!
Well I do promise to keep up with my updates well if anything actually happens, looking at all the blogs though everyone seems to have gone quiet
Search Amazon.com for louise bagshawe
So with Mr Builder I just put of emailing him or texting him and now its been a month since the last contact so its too late. I am talking to a few guys on SD.com but no-one really seems worth it. I am looking for an allowance of £2k per month as with my grant from my studies as am now doing my law degree part-time that will be plenty to live off, obvisouly as ime went on I can look to add other things such as a car hired in his name and such but for now £2k seems good. And to be honest in this market and economical time its not that expensive, after all the men I go for are supposed to be multi-millionaires!
How is everyone else finding the sites, any tips for the best ones at the moment. Wish I could get up to London more and hit the clubs as that would be the best way to really look for a sugar daddy.
Have been reading a lot and have added links to the books I have been reading I adore Lousie Bagshawe she writes about the kind of life all us girls want to live so check them out if you can!
Well I do promise to keep up with my updates well if anything actually happens, looking at all the blogs though everyone seems to have gone quiet
Search Amazon.com for louise bagshawe
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Its date night
So me and Mr builder have a date tonight, he has travelled down to my hometown and we are meeting at 8pm. he has just checked into his hotel and sent me a picture of the room which from then going on the hotel website which has pics of every room I know costs £175 per night. So I know he isnt a cheap room which is always good! And I know he is definitely in my hometown lol.
Have decided on a summer dress with a fab pair of heels and a little black bag. The dress is actually just from Peacocks which is like Target in America, but have always had compliments when I have worn it. And asked if its from Topshop, so I know its a winner then its a little cardi on over the top. Hhad my hair done yesterday and make-up will be bronzed but natural.
I am actually so nervous tonight, I feel a little sick, first date in a while and after the hassle of my "normal" ex, but its good to be back out there.
Will let you know how it all goes tomorrow!
Have decided on a summer dress with a fab pair of heels and a little black bag. The dress is actually just from Peacocks which is like Target in America, but have always had compliments when I have worn it. And asked if its from Topshop, so I know its a winner then its a little cardi on over the top. Hhad my hair done yesterday and make-up will be bronzed but natural.
I am actually so nervous tonight, I feel a little sick, first date in a while and after the hassle of my "normal" ex, but its good to be back out there.
Will let you know how it all goes tomorrow!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Oooh may have a date
So I have my profiles up and am getting some good emails from SD.com, but to be honest am not seeing anything I like on SA.com.
I wish I lived in america cause the only verified ones on there are american. I am still really thnking of setting up my own website and having it so that all the sugardaddys have to be verified or they cant join. To me thats the only real way to wade out the fakes, but they I love chatting with some fakes as they stand out a mile off, and love just stringing them along seeming really excited to me the best way to find them out is the guys who talk about how much they have.
In my experience the ones who don't talk about what they have are the ones who have the most! But thats just me!
Anyway a couple of pots one I shall call Mr import as thats what he does, is very googable and I have seen his fb profile so am impressed with him, we talked a few years ago but nothing ever happened but the day i joined he emailed me so will see what happens.
Mr builder is the other pot, he owns his own construction firm but with him he is looking more for a GF than a SB but to be honest I could be open to this, I am single, I am bored of the guys round by me and he seems really lovely. He will be coming to my hometown either on the weekend or by the end of july. He did invite my to go to some Races with him but its on the day of my sisters graduation from University so thats just bad timing.
I keep being emailed about what to do if you dont fancie the guy, uum hello dont do anything then. Me main thing is I have to like and be attracted to a guy to start anything with him! If I didnt then I may as well just become a high class escort, sorry if thats harsh ladies but being with guys you dont fancie and pay per visits just dont for me fall into the catergory of a sugar baby. I am in no way trying to offend anyone that is just my thought.
Sugarbabies get called hookers enough without girls acting like it, I have heard of some girls demanding money to agree to see a guy, if a guy does give you money when you arrive great, it also doesnt mean you have to sleep with him, and I always make it clear that I am going there for an inital meet if they dont like it, oh well I wont meet them then. I do expect a guy to pay for my train ticket so I wont be out of pocket and a hotel if I am staying over but I do tell them they are not gauranteed I will sleep with them, have I slept with a pot? Yes thats cause we got on so well, and I fancied him like hell, but it wasn't cause it was expected.
Well as I said I dont mean to offend anyone thats just my thoughts from my experience of being a SB and what X used to tell me about pot SB's and of course what I have done in my search.
Jess Bunny
I wish I lived in america cause the only verified ones on there are american. I am still really thnking of setting up my own website and having it so that all the sugardaddys have to be verified or they cant join. To me thats the only real way to wade out the fakes, but they I love chatting with some fakes as they stand out a mile off, and love just stringing them along seeming really excited to me the best way to find them out is the guys who talk about how much they have.
In my experience the ones who don't talk about what they have are the ones who have the most! But thats just me!
Anyway a couple of pots one I shall call Mr import as thats what he does, is very googable and I have seen his fb profile so am impressed with him, we talked a few years ago but nothing ever happened but the day i joined he emailed me so will see what happens.
Mr builder is the other pot, he owns his own construction firm but with him he is looking more for a GF than a SB but to be honest I could be open to this, I am single, I am bored of the guys round by me and he seems really lovely. He will be coming to my hometown either on the weekend or by the end of july. He did invite my to go to some Races with him but its on the day of my sisters graduation from University so thats just bad timing.
I keep being emailed about what to do if you dont fancie the guy, uum hello dont do anything then. Me main thing is I have to like and be attracted to a guy to start anything with him! If I didnt then I may as well just become a high class escort, sorry if thats harsh ladies but being with guys you dont fancie and pay per visits just dont for me fall into the catergory of a sugar baby. I am in no way trying to offend anyone that is just my thought.
Sugarbabies get called hookers enough without girls acting like it, I have heard of some girls demanding money to agree to see a guy, if a guy does give you money when you arrive great, it also doesnt mean you have to sleep with him, and I always make it clear that I am going there for an inital meet if they dont like it, oh well I wont meet them then. I do expect a guy to pay for my train ticket so I wont be out of pocket and a hotel if I am staying over but I do tell them they are not gauranteed I will sleep with them, have I slept with a pot? Yes thats cause we got on so well, and I fancied him like hell, but it wasn't cause it was expected.
Well as I said I dont mean to offend anyone thats just my thoughts from my experience of being a SB and what X used to tell me about pot SB's and of course what I have done in my search.
Jess Bunny
new pots,
pay per visit,
SD website,
sugar daddy,
sugar dates
Thursday, July 1, 2010
So am you guys will see I have been away from the SD for quite a while, I had some stuff going on that needed to be sorted before I could fully look at going into this lifestyle again. I actually dated a regular guy for a while as well, only 3 months but it didnt work out.
He was a great guy but his ex was a psycho and I didn't need to deal with that. So whilst I have been away I haven't logged into SD.com or SA so am now working my way through all the emails to see if any good pots and of course I am gonna work my way through all the blogs I follow to try to catch up and see if anyone has done it and found a great SD.
So whilst I wish you all luck in your search I hope you will all wish me luck too.
Lets ride together in this bumpy world of SD dating
He was a great guy but his ex was a psycho and I didn't need to deal with that. So whilst I have been away I haven't logged into SD.com or SA so am now working my way through all the emails to see if any good pots and of course I am gonna work my way through all the blogs I follow to try to catch up and see if anyone has done it and found a great SD.
So whilst I wish you all luck in your search I hope you will all wish me luck too.
Lets ride together in this bumpy world of SD dating
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Is it just me???
Or has anyone else noticed that the longer your search continues the more Jaded you become, even if it is a guy who is extremly googable, know his photo is recent and seems really nice, these days instead of finding myself excited I am thinking right whats gonna go wrong with this one.
I thnk my problem is I had it too easy with X I met him in a different way, even though I was on SD dating sites I still met him in a natural way. And of course I was spoilt in what I had off him, and don't get me wrong I am in no way expecting something of a similar standard, my allowance expectation is £2.5 - 3k.
I think the other thing is a lot of men on the dating sites are looking for a easy shag or send you a message or its in his profile that he is not looking to be a sugardaddy, I am sorry then I do not understand why you are on the website. It would be like me joining a "I love darts" website when I dont. A bit of a random comparison but you girls know what I mean LOL.
I wish I was one of the girls who could ask for a present before a meeting or get a guy to send me presents before we meet, but I just don't seem to meet those kind of guys, maybe it's a american thing LOL.
I do have two interesting dates lined up next week hopefully just gotta try and work out my work schedule and of course am going back to my flat tomorrow, couldn't be bothered to go home today so have stayed an extra day, but it does mean I wont have regular internet access which kind of hampers a girls SD seeking!
So how is everyone else feeling about there sugar lives, I see from other blogs I am not the only one who is feeling a bit disheartened by it all
I thnk my problem is I had it too easy with X I met him in a different way, even though I was on SD dating sites I still met him in a natural way. And of course I was spoilt in what I had off him, and don't get me wrong I am in no way expecting something of a similar standard, my allowance expectation is £2.5 - 3k.
I think the other thing is a lot of men on the dating sites are looking for a easy shag or send you a message or its in his profile that he is not looking to be a sugardaddy, I am sorry then I do not understand why you are on the website. It would be like me joining a "I love darts" website when I dont. A bit of a random comparison but you girls know what I mean LOL.
I wish I was one of the girls who could ask for a present before a meeting or get a guy to send me presents before we meet, but I just don't seem to meet those kind of guys, maybe it's a american thing LOL.
I do have two interesting dates lined up next week hopefully just gotta try and work out my work schedule and of course am going back to my flat tomorrow, couldn't be bothered to go home today so have stayed an extra day, but it does mean I wont have regular internet access which kind of hampers a girls SD seeking!
So how is everyone else feeling about there sugar lives, I see from other blogs I am not the only one who is feeling a bit disheartened by it all
sugar daddy
Monday, February 15, 2010
Pride and Prejudice
Ok so I am reading Pride and Prejudice at the moment and in there all the women want is a man of wealth, so what is so different to what SB's are looking for???
I am talking a couple of new guys one who looks like Sean Connery only younger and another who his in his 40's and quite sweet! Haven't got a name for him yet, but the other one I will call Mr Connery.
Me and Mr connery are going to have a meet hopefully next week and he will be sending me a train ticket to travel to him, and he offered which is always good!
Well will write a bit more soon though am going back to my flat on Wednesday so will be in drips again. Sorry for that ladies and hopefully it will be sorted soon
I am talking a couple of new guys one who looks like Sean Connery only younger and another who his in his 40's and quite sweet! Haven't got a name for him yet, but the other one I will call Mr Connery.
Me and Mr connery are going to have a meet hopefully next week and he will be sending me a train ticket to travel to him, and he offered which is always good!
Well will write a bit more soon though am going back to my flat on Wednesday so will be in drips again. Sorry for that ladies and hopefully it will be sorted soon
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Havent really had much to say
The stupid dongle doesnt work in my flat as walls so thick I cant get signal but am moving end of this month into a nicer flat so finger crossed will be able to get signal there.
Mr Public well as you know one of our fellow SB's had spoken with him, and after she gave me some advice he did turn to be the same way with me. I was on SD.com replying to some mail and got a message asking why I was cheating already??? Umm hello we havent been on a date, options always need to be open with the amount of fakes and guys looking for a easy lay who are around! So he got dropped!
I am really looking into setting up my own SD website am so fed up of fakes and guys who say I am not looking to be a SD site, umm hello then get off a SD dating website you idiot!!! LOL!
Not sure when I will next be able to post, but will keep you updated if anything happens - on much sadder news the one pair of Loubs I have, I broke the heel, I actually cried after taking them to shoes man who said they cant be fixed, he looked at me like I was mad, but they were my BFF! So now defo need a SD even if its just to buy one pair lol
Mr Public well as you know one of our fellow SB's had spoken with him, and after she gave me some advice he did turn to be the same way with me. I was on SD.com replying to some mail and got a message asking why I was cheating already??? Umm hello we havent been on a date, options always need to be open with the amount of fakes and guys looking for a easy lay who are around! So he got dropped!
I am really looking into setting up my own SD website am so fed up of fakes and guys who say I am not looking to be a SD site, umm hello then get off a SD dating website you idiot!!! LOL!
Not sure when I will next be able to post, but will keep you updated if anything happens - on much sadder news the one pair of Loubs I have, I broke the heel, I actually cried after taking them to shoes man who said they cant be fixed, he looked at me like I was mad, but they were my BFF! So now defo need a SD even if its just to buy one pair lol
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Date outfits
I always get emails asking what to wear on a first date with a new pot.
Here is my advice from what I have learnt, SD's arent too fashion forward so whilstn you should keep up with the trends men are simple creatures and whilst you may get the odd one or two who are really on trend, really out there wont work. So keep it simple but well presented.
I always wear a dress when I meet a pot but then thats my personality. I am a girly girl and most of the time I am always in dresses, I only own 1 pair of trousers, being a hourglass I work with what suits me.
Always make sure your shoes aren't dirty or scuffed, and that your bag isnt falling apart as these always bring a outfit together. If you have painted your nails make sure no chips, if you haven't make sure they are clean.
Dont plaster yourself in make-up, men hate this and dont try out new looks on a date, trust me i did it and I was so self-concious because it wasnt what i was used too. Same with hair dont try anything new just make sure its clean and your happy.
At the end of the day if your comfortable you will be confident and girls we all know confidence is what attracts a guy, if you seem uncomfortable a guy will either think its to do with them or that your uncomfortable with yourself.
So however you want to dress you dress, they have seen your pics they know what you look like, remember ladies they are lucky to be having a date with us.
We are young confident beautiful women and we do not ever need to sell ourselves short
Here is my advice from what I have learnt, SD's arent too fashion forward so whilstn you should keep up with the trends men are simple creatures and whilst you may get the odd one or two who are really on trend, really out there wont work. So keep it simple but well presented.
I always wear a dress when I meet a pot but then thats my personality. I am a girly girl and most of the time I am always in dresses, I only own 1 pair of trousers, being a hourglass I work with what suits me.
Always make sure your shoes aren't dirty or scuffed, and that your bag isnt falling apart as these always bring a outfit together. If you have painted your nails make sure no chips, if you haven't make sure they are clean.
Dont plaster yourself in make-up, men hate this and dont try out new looks on a date, trust me i did it and I was so self-concious because it wasnt what i was used too. Same with hair dont try anything new just make sure its clean and your happy.
At the end of the day if your comfortable you will be confident and girls we all know confidence is what attracts a guy, if you seem uncomfortable a guy will either think its to do with them or that your uncomfortable with yourself.
So however you want to dress you dress, they have seen your pics they know what you look like, remember ladies they are lucky to be having a date with us.
We are young confident beautiful women and we do not ever need to sell ourselves short
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Another post
This is just my thoughts as had a email through FB stating may need to do a repost on sugar negotiaitions, now remember this is just my thoughts on the situation.
Girls who take a pay per visit now me personally that isn't a SB that is a escort situation. The whole concept of a SD in my mind is having a guy who you know month in month out will provide you with a set amount.
Now yes starting to talk about an allowance is hard but at the end of the day if you have met through the net, then he either was on a SD site or through a listing on CL - just have to say how annoying are the people who flag our posts on CL. I dont flag yours cause your ugly!!! - Anyway the hard part is done you both know why you are talking to each other, if he tells you it seems like its only about money with you. You can polietly state thats not the case but before you continue a chat then you thinks its reasonable to know to know both of your expectations meet.
If they dont then you can polietly state you are looking for different things but you wish him well with his search.
I couldn't do multiple SD's but thats me, for one I have a crap memeory so that would work against me. Secondly in my view the guys I have met have always at least stated they could afford my allowance therefore I have no need for another. Chicago sugarbaby was so right when she said know what you goals are.
Like her I know what I want out of this.
I plan to set up a savings account. I want to have a deposit for a house
I have got myself into some debt since me and X split so want to clear that and get to perfect credit once more.
I want to be able to live a WAG lifestyle for the time I am putting myself through University, its just a bit of fun and not my life long ambition to become a WAG just like how they live.
I want to give myself security for the future so any money I do get and this time I am asking for a allowance of £2.5k, I now have a little bar job I am doing my studies, so If I give myself £1.5k a month to spend like crazy I will have £1k to put into savings even if it only lasts a year I will have 12 grand thats I wouldn;t have had anyway and lots and lots of shoes again.
Of course I have the silly stuff I want, like I want to own a Hermes Birkin again, I want lots of Louboutins and I want to holiday when I want where I want. These are the dreams we all have when we begin this journey and they are good things to aim for but just remember ladies, always think of the bigger picture and life after your SD
Jess Bunny
Girls who take a pay per visit now me personally that isn't a SB that is a escort situation. The whole concept of a SD in my mind is having a guy who you know month in month out will provide you with a set amount.
Now yes starting to talk about an allowance is hard but at the end of the day if you have met through the net, then he either was on a SD site or through a listing on CL - just have to say how annoying are the people who flag our posts on CL. I dont flag yours cause your ugly!!! - Anyway the hard part is done you both know why you are talking to each other, if he tells you it seems like its only about money with you. You can polietly state thats not the case but before you continue a chat then you thinks its reasonable to know to know both of your expectations meet.
If they dont then you can polietly state you are looking for different things but you wish him well with his search.
I couldn't do multiple SD's but thats me, for one I have a crap memeory so that would work against me. Secondly in my view the guys I have met have always at least stated they could afford my allowance therefore I have no need for another. Chicago sugarbaby was so right when she said know what you goals are.
Like her I know what I want out of this.
I plan to set up a savings account. I want to have a deposit for a house
I have got myself into some debt since me and X split so want to clear that and get to perfect credit once more.
I want to be able to live a WAG lifestyle for the time I am putting myself through University, its just a bit of fun and not my life long ambition to become a WAG just like how they live.
I want to give myself security for the future so any money I do get and this time I am asking for a allowance of £2.5k, I now have a little bar job I am doing my studies, so If I give myself £1.5k a month to spend like crazy I will have £1k to put into savings even if it only lasts a year I will have 12 grand thats I wouldn;t have had anyway and lots and lots of shoes again.
Of course I have the silly stuff I want, like I want to own a Hermes Birkin again, I want lots of Louboutins and I want to holiday when I want where I want. These are the dreams we all have when we begin this journey and they are good things to aim for but just remember ladies, always think of the bigger picture and life after your SD
Jess Bunny
life after SD,
multiple sd's,
New pots
Firstly thanks everyone for your well wishes, no I dont know who the girls are, and yes the police are invovlved they are looking at CCTV so see if they can find the incident.
Now on to the good stuff girls, I have a new pot and when I say he is googable damn is this man googable. I only typed in his first name and 100's of entries came up about him including his society wedding and then divorce. He is early 40's which is good and him and his family actually own the company he works for!!! kerchiiing!
He did ask me to meet him where he is now, but well me and flying to meet guys for the first trip it just doesn't happen. For a first meet I am happy to go to them if it's still in this country and I have a hotel booking made and transport to and from paid for by them, or they can come to my home town by no I wont go out of this country.
Now back to my Pot, I'll call him Mr Public, I have entered in his email address and this site came up with a load of email address for bad SD's and all someone had written was is married!!! I am sorry girls but this is sugar daddy land most of them are!
So anyway thats my news ladies
Now on to the good stuff girls, I have a new pot and when I say he is googable damn is this man googable. I only typed in his first name and 100's of entries came up about him including his society wedding and then divorce. He is early 40's which is good and him and his family actually own the company he works for!!! kerchiiing!
He did ask me to meet him where he is now, but well me and flying to meet guys for the first trip it just doesn't happen. For a first meet I am happy to go to them if it's still in this country and I have a hotel booking made and transport to and from paid for by them, or they can come to my home town by no I wont go out of this country.
Now back to my Pot, I'll call him Mr Public, I have entered in his email address and this site came up with a load of email address for bad SD's and all someone had written was is married!!! I am sorry girls but this is sugar daddy land most of them are!
So anyway thats my news ladies
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Well what a weekend
Well ladies what a weekend in 2 weeks I was supposed to be a new Pot, thanks to the weekends event I have had to cancel with a really lovely guy.
Basically on my way home I was jumped by a few girls and now have a split lip and chin, a messed up hand, broken ribs and concussion -Great!!! First thing I knew about it was coming round in hospital Sunday afternoon!
Made me quite scared of going out now which is going to make meeting Pots a bit difficult though I do always take precautions giving a friend his details, which site he from, my log in details and his screen name, but this has quite shaken me so am undecided as to what to do!
Well just giving you a update whilst I read up on everyone Else's adventures
Jess Bunny
Basically on my way home I was jumped by a few girls and now have a split lip and chin, a messed up hand, broken ribs and concussion -Great!!! First thing I knew about it was coming round in hospital Sunday afternoon!
Made me quite scared of going out now which is going to make meeting Pots a bit difficult though I do always take precautions giving a friend his details, which site he from, my log in details and his screen name, but this has quite shaken me so am undecided as to what to do!
Well just giving you a update whilst I read up on everyone Else's adventures
Jess Bunny
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Just a quick one
I am having a internet dongle posted out to me soon so will be back blogging like before sorry to keep coming and going but all that will be fixed soon
Jess Bunny
Jess Bunny
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Joined some more sites
So I have joined up some of the new sites that have popped up since I have been gone like classyarrangements.com and established men, but I have to say I don't hold out much hope for them as they don't really seem that well organised or legit, but hey they are free so I am not going to complain, but girls what are your experiences on them. where are you finding your sugardates?
It feels weird writing and not having any experiences to write about, but hopefully I will fix that. I found when I was living with my parents it was hard to get away for dates without too many questions as most of them were with me spending time away. Now I am living alone then it is a lot easier well now I finally internet again.
I have noticed since I have been away a lot more blogs are here and some of them I love reading but some of them, and this is just my opinion, it seems they treat pots like johns and are trying to do £££ per visit, for me and again just my opinion its not about per visit but builiding a relationship with a guy who can support you, even if that means it taking a longer time to find him. After all its hard enough to keep up with one guy let alone more, and we all know how demanding SD's can be for your time.
Jess Bunny
It feels weird writing and not having any experiences to write about, but hopefully I will fix that. I found when I was living with my parents it was hard to get away for dates without too many questions as most of them were with me spending time away. Now I am living alone then it is a lot easier well now I finally internet again.
I have noticed since I have been away a lot more blogs are here and some of them I love reading but some of them, and this is just my opinion, it seems they treat pots like johns and are trying to do £££ per visit, for me and again just my opinion its not about per visit but builiding a relationship with a guy who can support you, even if that means it taking a longer time to find him. After all its hard enough to keep up with one guy let alone more, and we all know how demanding SD's can be for your time.
Jess Bunny
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A lot tougher
I have noticed that this time round I am being a lot tougher with the guys and stating what I want, after all this isn't the time for a softly softly approach when it comes to knowing if they can actually afford me. And then I can take the softly softly approach knwing that they are who they say who they are and understand what I want out of this relationship.
I have had some fun catching up on everyones blogs and so good to see people are starting to get close to finding their guy. I still notice though that some of the newer blogs still treat their prospectives like johns rather than potential SD's for me having multiple SD's isnt what its about its about being able to find he one guy who can give you everything you want and need. But hey thats just me.
Whether it takes a year or 2 I know I will find the right SD who can give me everything I want out of this relationship I also have to say a massice thanks I never imagined when I started this blog that I would have had over 15000 readers AHHHH thats so exciting.
Oh forgot to say I start my Open university law degree this month I am so scared but excited cant wait to either be a prosecution lawyer or coperate lawyer
Jess Bunny
Also I found this fab thing where you can do a shopping list which others can buy from so will now be do that so when I meet a prospective or potential will just direct him to that will be good for birthdays as well I suppose. And good for when I have a SD can think about what I need properly the boring things for the home lol.
I have had some fun catching up on everyones blogs and so good to see people are starting to get close to finding their guy. I still notice though that some of the newer blogs still treat their prospectives like johns rather than potential SD's for me having multiple SD's isnt what its about its about being able to find he one guy who can give you everything you want and need. But hey thats just me.
Whether it takes a year or 2 I know I will find the right SD who can give me everything I want out of this relationship I also have to say a massice thanks I never imagined when I started this blog that I would have had over 15000 readers AHHHH thats so exciting.
Oh forgot to say I start my Open university law degree this month I am so scared but excited cant wait to either be a prosecution lawyer or coperate lawyer
Jess Bunny
Also I found this fab thing where you can do a shopping list which others can buy from so will now be do that so when I meet a prospective or potential will just direct him to that will be good for birthdays as well I suppose. And good for when I have a SD can think about what I need properly the boring things for the home lol.
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Well its been over 6 months and a lot has happened I have moved out into my own flat but havent been online just because I cant afford the internet.
I am using it from the library from now on though, as I do want to continue in a search for a new SD. I have managed to rejoin sd.com and am chatting with a few guys but nothing to write about yet, so just a hello to ttell you I am back and sorry for it being so long now I am off to catch up on everyones blogs and will be hopefully chatting about my adventures soon
Jess bunny
I am using it from the library from now on though, as I do want to continue in a search for a new SD. I have managed to rejoin sd.com and am chatting with a few guys but nothing to write about yet, so just a hello to ttell you I am back and sorry for it being so long now I am off to catch up on everyones blogs and will be hopefully chatting about my adventures soon
Jess bunny
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